Sunday, May 17, 2009


Post #7; [lollipop]

Back with lollipop~ YAY xD OK cool its SUNDAY!!!! xD Sunday, the ice cream <3>BUT this week, I dont need tooo!! YAY~ NO SCHOOL TOMORROW! oh yeah, by the way, I have a question... is sunday the last day of the week or the first day of the week? I've always wondered about that.... And people keep on telling me the opposite of another each time I ask... hopefully, u guys wont! With that said, I love sunday even more! It's delicious, it's warm AND it mysterious xD don't u love sunday?! xD

ok right um... I said i was gonna say something about my life the next time I wold write so here goes (it's not funny but it happened yesterday to today xD): So yeah... Yesterday, I went to my friends party and i slept over her house too! We did so many random things such as playing wii, skip bo, TREASURE HUNT (which I won something sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo adorable x3) and of course, WE ATE xP

So there, we just played so loooooong and we kept on competing and guys, dont try to play truth or dare with girls cuz xD omg u dont wanna know loool xD Oh ya so um... we stayed up so late, we kept on playing and trying to say what will happen tomorrow for truth or dare and when we decided to sleep, I asked what time it was, we looked, and it was 8 IN THE MORNING!!!!! OMG!! WE HAD TO GO TO CHURCH AT 10 AND GET READY XD WE WERE IN SUCH A MESS XD then the girl's mom came and told us to wake up and we said ya but we sounded sooooooo gloomy... after, for some reason, we just felt like competing on the wii(wii fit) and thats what we did (p.s: I won again =D <3)>

YA so that wasnt funny but i'm sick of writing so talk to ya all thursday~ ^^

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