Friday, May 15, 2009

The day before Saturday

Post #5 [Osubu]
Today is Friday. Friday the 15th. Friday the 15th May. Friday the 15th may of 2009. Here's your weekly post given by Osubu.

Before I begin, here's some porn for you guys (and girls. dun wry i dont descriminate). BESTEST PORNZ IN TEH HOLE WURLDS!!!!111ELEVEN

Okay, rant time. The Durian Five. That's a freaking ugly name. Who would name their blog after a fruit? It's like naming one's child after a gun. It's simply retarded. We might as well call ourselves the lemon ninja, or the strawberry sluts, and why not kiwi houdini while we're at it? Yea, kill Kaito if you have the time, for coming up with this name. And once you kill him, get the 3 others. I'll then take control, and name this in a more approriate manner.

NEWS FLASH! I have family from everywhere in my house right now. Texas, Montpellier, Paris, Kentucky. It's like a freaking expo 67 in my house. That's how cool us viets are. We everywhere. So dont think you can get away without paying for your drugs.

Anyways, I'm done for today. Next time I post, i'll probably be even more negative than I am right now, so brace yourselves it. And before I go, here's some more porn (its realz this time!).

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