Saturday, May 30, 2009


Post #19; [Momonut]

Sorry for the semi-late post, I was reading some book due for that stupid Thursday English exam x_x (Was reading The Lovely Bones, YOU GUYS SHOULD READ IT TOO, IT'S.. dramatic and traumatic and fun.)

I can't stop listening to this mandarin song that my friend sent me!! -kills her- WHYYYYY ;-; (In case you want to hear it too, click here) dsadsddslaf;d. And... I think, because of her I MAY START LISTENING NON-STOP TO CHINESE SONGS. D: (something I don't do)

I have a feeling we'll be pretty much dead by the end of this week... GOOD LUCK EVERYONE ;-; <3>->;; So I'm keeping it unplugged 24/7. I KNEW IT WAS POSSESSED!

Oh oh and uhmmmm o-o I BOUGHT PHOENIX WRIGHT MANGA AT INDIGO'S. (I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE THEY HAVE PW MANGA LOL) I thought'd it follow the game's storyline, but no. o-O (... Yes I read a few chapters BUT I read them on the car!! D:) It's actually just doujinshi made by japanese artists. All jumbled together. AT LEAST IT'S A GOOD READ. It made me rofl a few times. Now I just have to find a box to lock it in so I don't have an urge to read it while studying. <-<;

That's it for today, I have to get back to studying. 8D buh-bye.

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