Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Post #2; [El Ojo]
HEllo heLLo helLO, cosmic children of the universe,.

I have no inpisration.
I guess i'll start by telling u that i am in fact, yes i know, its hard to believe, a seahorse.

I think i should also tell u that, 2day, at lunch, i went outside and fed ham to my seagull friends, my sister tried to imitate me and made the seagull choke and die.

Now that thoses 2 crucial pieces of information are out of the way, i will tell u a little story.

A long long time ago, in a land were only smartical ppl could live, lived a boy named poop and his diamond goat. For a long time now, he had wished for his diamond goat to grow wings and fly, but even if he kept throwing his goat in the air again and again, it wouldn’t fly. Poop though his goat was stupid, because after all, all diamond goats can fly. just as he was about to throw himself of a stool to end his suffering, came a brave muy macho handsome latin glowing man whos soft and fluffy hair gently rocked in the wind as he magicularily floated his way. The man stopped before him and declared: I am José (Spanish guitar sound) and u r ugly. But since im generous I will still give u theses 4 magical coconuts, that u shall rub on ur goat to make it grow wings. José left saying he had to go practice shooting stuff to beat a certain fish at a game in an arcade, so poop decided to rub the coconuts on his goat and blabla and they started soaring across the sky together, until José shot them. He then laughed and said to his foot that he had always found that brat annoying. And he lived happily ever after and had lots of children, no, scratch that, no children, but and many gf’s.


I guess this concludes story time for 2day children, if theres anything to remember from this story its that u shoudlnt be an annoying bratty kid named poop, or ull get shot.


,.oh baga.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, i have learned a lessons;
    from now on, you should stop eating banana 'n tomato fudgecake noodles for breakfast.

    who am i kidding? this was hilarious, so..yeah, whatever.

    P.S. its good to know you're a seahorse
    P.S.S. yayz first comment on this post, and third comment for the whole blog.. well thats impressive [not]
    P.S.S.S. do not take this sarcasm seriously, because 1) i suck at it, and 2)...yeah.

