Friday, May 22, 2009

Friday post ><

Post #12 Lollipop

Hey guys >< Lollipop here doing the friday post >< xD sorry i couldn't do it yesterday... I went to see a show for free so i said: why not... Well I kinda helped school while watching my friends perform and came back at like 11 p.m x.x.... lol i think it was worth it though xP... Nyways thx Obosu for covering for me >< I owe u one! Though u know, if u like fridays that much, you could've done it too you know =O not like i'm gonna keep you from doing it =O... Don't worry u have ur friday baby back next week... '^^ oh ya and kaito, the translation of my first post is wrong xD It doesn't make sense and that not what I wrote lol! Though i'm not gonna translate xD

Back on fridays... It's true lol xD Fridays are awesome ^^ You get to finish school sooner and its like the last day of work of the week xP I did a little research on fridays and I can't beleive they had a whole page on friday on wikipedia lol xDD here's the link: xD I don't feel like summarising it lol.. sorry xD read it for urself...

Well, i'm ending today's post with one question: Are sexist guys gay?

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