Thursday, May 21, 2009

The day before the day I posted last week

Yea, well, it's not Lollipop today, cause she got some music stuff to do, so I'll be replacing her for this weekly Thursday post. So, about Thursday!



... Yea that's what I thought, might as well start with the ranting nonsense.

So, I'd like you all to know that I finished a book series I have been reading since the beginning of the year, and that well, like all endings, its drilling me with goosebumps right now, so I'm pretty sad and emotional for the moment being. And since I no longer have to read during class, I finally started paying attention to the teachers, and wow does it help me understand stuff. Like, I learnt what combustion cellulaire is today! And umm, my science teacher is the most awesome guy I have ever seen. He chases witches, fights in 800 vs 800 men battles, and agrees to ear-pulling exercises that increase flexibility. Cooler than that, you probably die.

Bleh, Thursday really isn't my day, blame Lollipop. Tomorrow it'll be her, but since Friday is MINE, she'll obviously try to make it cool and stuff, but my authority over Fridays will prevail and make her post as sucky as this one. Cya next FRIDAY.

Now, here's a picture of milk coffee(no joke, seriously): Cafe au lait

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