Monday, June 22, 2009


Post #30; [Momonut]

SCHOOL IS OVER! woot. HOWEVER HAPPY TIME IS OVER! Why? BECAUSE I have an uncontrollable urge... to rant my toes off.

MY MOM won't stop making me do exercise x___x Even though it's pretty much my worst enemy. SHE MAKES ME GO DOWNSTAIRS and run/bicycle/etc for like 2 hours. I don't even LIKE sport. Even my brother hates it, but my mom doesn't force him... it's like she's making me do it cause I'm a girl and she feels I'm a "better person" to do it, or something. PLUS she makes me do sports I don't like! (Yes, badminton is actually a sport I dislike) I even suggested once if I could do swimming because I liked it better, and she was like "nah, badminton ftw".

It gets even more annoying when I'm doing something fun on the computer and she tears me away because she wants me to do it NOW. grag;rd;a; I wish I had more freedom sometimes Dx AHHHHHHHHHHH

And another rant - My friend just screwed something up, and she feels like it's A BIG DEAL even though it's not and she's acting all cowardly and FDLSA;FDS. She doesn't want to tell her "boss" about it. Isn't that worse?! Not telling someone would make it even worse right?!

Last rant - It's annoying how... even though I close my door and I put a sign to knock, MY PARENTS/BROTHER STILL COME BARGING IN. Like this one time, before school started, I was in my room changing, THEN MY DAD SUDDENLY COMES IN. He practically saw me half-naked. fd;as;fsd Another time, I was listening to metal music and THEN mom comes in. ... This is bad because my mom doesn't like music like that, and she thinks I listen to cutesy music (ex: like that caramell dansen thing)
Asians don't like privacy much, do they. >__>

Sometimes I wish I were born something else. LIKE... a rabbit. I'm pretty sure THEIR parents don't see them half-naked almost every morning by barging in THEIR ROOMS. PSFHDSAFD;SHT.

... Well, time to go angst and do exercise downstairs.

... Wow I sound pretty selfish and spoiled today, BUT I DON'T CARE. ;_; i hate life like a fat kid hates diet.

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