Thursday, June 18, 2009

HIP HIP HOORAY! and what the hell...?

[post #-skip--skip-34] Lollipop

First off, YAAAYYYY NO MORE SCHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL WOOOOOOOOT xD omg the exam was so easy today that i'm scared... was there a trap somewhere? though i didnt get the cartile thingy... OH WELL XD NO MORE SCHOOL SO NO MORE SCHOOL TALK!!! :D

HAHA XD its wierd how this year passed really fast!! xD i know the way i'm writing is as if i was super happy but actually... i dont feel like its the end of the year yet for some reason so i'm like... neutral kinda about it... o__o i know i know I'm wierd... xD

Oh well :D SUMMER'S HERE!~~ xP

And what the hell.... NO WAY!!!! EL OJOS AND KAITO DITCHED THEY'RE POSTS OMG..... =_____________________________________________________= I didnt =.= Don't worry I'm gonan give them a lesson ^^

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