Saturday, June 6, 2009

omg. o_o

Post #25; [Momonut]

Tales of Vesperia ftw~

Anyhow. Today, I HAVE 2 STORIES. ish.


Cure for blindness

Well, from what I understood, we've found a cure for blindness now! 8D By taking stem cells from the tissue in the working eye, they sort of implant them into the non-working eye, and wait a month for the stem cells to fix the broken ones. They can also be used for other organs in your body. I mean, with this technique we can probably cure AIDs or whatever that couldn't be cured before! O_O (stem cells were illegal before. that's why they only discovered this method today. -coughbushcough?-)


Traumatizing story: (don't read)

... Whenever my hair gets wet... the pointy parts of it always seem to get itself stuck in my skin D: it's always a horrifying experience for me to pluck them out. -shivers-

(read now xD)

I'm so glad the exams are (semi) over now, WE CAN RELAX! ... wait no we have presentations.

... -sighs- ._.

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