Thursday, June 25, 2009

Post#33 [lollipop]

OMG BOY AM I GLAD TO HAVE AN AC... xD Yesterday was sooooooooooo frkn hot x.x... yikes... xD And we had barbecue... lol xD At least it was good... '^^ though I was at my grandpas and they only have fans.. xD oh man lol... Anyways xD since today is one of those boring days that i have nothing to do and i stay home and because theres gonna be thunder today and that I just summarised yesterday, imma talk about my tuesday :D xD

Tuesday, it was William Tan's birthday (a sec 4 dude at CDSL) and me, Siyang Chen and William went to dix30 xD... (other guys in sec 4 from CDSL...) So I went there by bike and oh damn.... the wind was against me and it was strong so I have up galfway on pedaling and just basically walked... =_= oh ya before that, me and another girl in sec 4 called Kim Marcil tried to call him to wish him happy b-day... we both called 3 times... and I tried 30 mins later and it appears he was still asleep... I mean... how can u not wake up after 6 phone calls..... =_=

Anyways xD we went to dix30 and we watched a movie (millenium).... Personally, it sucked... the movie totally sucked man... =-=... to long its like 3 hours... and the other ppl watching it were basically old ppl... So there we are... 4 teens next to a bunch of oldies... xD and there was actually quite a lot of sex scenes and u see this old man naked (ewwwwwwww) and the old lady next to me always laughed when it came back to the dude... I mean... ewwwwwww x.x... Ok screw the movie, i totally hated it so skip the subject :)

Before that, while me chen and siyang were waiting for Willy, we went to the arcade :D xD they are actually afraid to put cash in the coin machine wth... it took them 15 mins to put the cash in... and i wasted 1$ just to prove them it works... =-= Then they played DDR that I recorded and posted on facebook :D xD feel free to go see xP (They are sooo into it...)

oh ya after we went to safari :D I love that place~ so many cool animals~~~~ <3<3<3

Then we went to sports experts... (forgot what we did but i know we fooled around)¸

Then we went to random places... xD and fooled around... and then the guys went to treasure hunt my bike cuz they didnt know which one it was :D

And then we went to eat at ''la cage aux sports'' and omg... siyang eats fast xD and for some reason, we uh... mixed the water with some stuffs... so sick to watch xD ok i started but i only put a whole pack of sugar... i mean cmon... =-= its nothing... xD and then they put vinagar.. and pepper... and salt '^^... and ketchup x.x... and BBQ sauce plus the um... aigre douce sauce xDD guess what... aigre douce has a bigger masse volumique then all the rest xDD lol anyways my water was kept safe but i didnt wanna drink it so I gave it to the others...

p.s: whoa guys eat a lot... x.x... lol xD and ya... u know... sometimes there are small steps and Chen wanted to go wash his hands and faced us to tell us to not touch his water... and omg xD he just totally fell xD like bam... flat on the floor xDDDD I swear everyone was laughing out lout xD ROFL!! oh except siyang cuz they're like what... best friends? and appearently he's used to Chen's clumsy-ness xD omg that was totally funny xDDD

Anyways after, we went to Siyang's house... xD willy didnt have a bike so we had 2 options... he walks we bike or we try to lift him :)... xD oh man.. he wanted to get on mine but damn im scared of that shit... xD Then with siyang and chen but it just didnt work '^^.... so he walked... well... he jogged xD he was so... um... well were gonna do that in phys ed next year appearently... '^^ xD anyways he had a beat u know... xD 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2~ and so on xP cute to watch

Then we went there and uhhh chen and siyang played ping pong :D (videos on facebook)

And we went to Siyang's room :) xD his stuffs are so awesome man ... I WANNA STEAL THEM... ok i feel like my post is too long so imma stop here '^^

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