Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I am fucking mad and will take my anger out on this idiotic blog that no one reads. Dont take anything personally, however, if u do, its ur problem and i dont give a fuck.

First of all, i would like to specify that whoever wrote last is a fucking lazy idiot. michael jackson was an entertainer, nothing more, he didnt do anything important. its therefore a waste of time, u might aswell not have blogged at all.

i am fucking mad for many reasons, one of them being we have very retarded elderly/young guests at my house, and when they team up with the other idiots living here, it just makes u wanna rampage and throw them all out the window (dont wry, i just threw my sis's stuffed animal, not her).

The second reason is that i have a couple of friends who swallow the enormous amount of energy i waste on them and dont give anything back, wich i find very stupid on their behalf. they winne alot too.

oh, and i realised that i dislike my great-aunt, as we have very different opinions and shes an idiot, if i ever liked her i think its more cause everyone else does and cause she gave me gifts when i was little, now she gives me socks, as if i needed them.

i want ppl out of my house and i want my Asians.

i choose my friends, not my family. theres a reason why i like my friends (not all of them) more then my family.

WHINNE WINE WINNE OR WHINE? i dunno, but i am complaining quite a lot.

Woupsy daisy, didnt think the fucking lazy idiot was the japanese-raping Osubu. sry there, japanese-raping Osubu.


  1. Michael Jackson didn't do anything important? Do you fucking know anything about him? He gave over 300 Million Dollars to Charity. And oh, he only managed to get the whole freaking planet to admire him. He wasn't only an entertainer, he was more than that. People will most probably remember mores stuff about Michael Jackson than Christophe Colombe.

  2. LOL we don't even know from which country Christophe Colomb was from...

    ..well, i dont..

  3. LOL, I don't know anything about Christopher Colombus either, I don't know much about Michael Jackson either... only his songs... I lack knowledge...
