Monday, June 8, 2009


Post #25; [Momonut]

I can't stop listening to the Graduation song x-x Sooo addicting. AS WE GO ONN~ WE REMEMBER~ AND AS OUR LIVES CHANGE~ COME WHATEVER~ WE WILL STILL BE~ FRIENDS FOREVEEER~ It'd be a good song to use during graduation too, lol.

-cough- Anyway... buying books for school is sorta confusing ._. I can't ask my brother for help either, he's like "DO IT YOURSELF".. WELL RAWR.

This may be my shortest post yet, I sort of don't have anything to say today. xD

Ooh I'm going to Toronto on June 25th o-o! WITH MY BEST FRIEND! YAY! We will splurge on shopping. Mehehehe.

On a side note... Gummy Choco containers can keep their balance pretty well... if you tilt them to like a 45 angle, THEY'LL GO RIGHT BACK UP STRAIGHT AND STANDING! It's a magical phenomenon. 8D

I have also discovered a new love for coloring with coloring crayons. <3>

.... Yup, really nothing to say. Byee o-o

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