Friday, June 12, 2009

It's almost here


Okay, weekly rants. My english teacher decided to blame my class' stupidity on me, and for no logical reason at all. It seems that she thinks I am the source of the corruption in my class, which is highly impossible because there are very VERY special (retard) people in my class who deserve that role a lot more than me. Way more. Way way more. Cause I'm normal. And normal people aren't symbols of corruption.

Also, the end of the year is coming. Actually, it's already here. In fact, I could basically skip my remaining days of school, and just come for the math exam on thursday. To me, it seems that this year flew by fucking fast. The beginning of the year seems just like yesterday. And I can't believe a whole 8 months of school passed by...

PENIS. (Hehe, I always wanted to try ending a post with something utterly retarded.)

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